Cats, books, and food are the three greatest things I could think of when I was registering this blog name. The most common writing advice for amateur writers has always been “Write what you know.” Loving cats, reading books, and making (and eating) food is what I know. My qualifications include having three cats, reading 52 books a year for the fifth year in a row, and not relying on my microwave for sustenance (also being a vegetarian, which made me a far more adventurous cook).
Though this blog will primarily focus on the three great things, I fully intend to share every other bit of my knowledge with the world. This may include
- trying to be really skinny (exercise/calorie counting),
- trying to be really frugal (NOT couponing, because I’ve failed at that endeavor several times, but everything else thrifty),
- trying to be really crafty (how to make your final product somewhat resemble that Pinterest picture),
- trying to be really organized (without spending my savings at Bed, Bath, and Beyond on storage bins).
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